We invite you to come stay as a guest.
St. Benedict included in his Rule a chapter on The Reception of Guests. It begins with the keynote statement: “All guest who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me (Matt 25:35).”
St. Benedict asks his monks to be particularly welcoming to pilgrims, the poor and those who share our faith. That obviously does not exclude people of other faiths who are also equally welcome.
For any questions about staying at the abbey as a guest, we invite you to contact our guestmaster:
202-269-2335 abbeyguestmaster@stanselms.org
Your Time at the Abbey
St. Anselm’s does not have a separate guest house. Guests may come for a day of quiet, reading and prayer, or stay for several days in the monastery. They are free to join the monks at the divine office and at meals. The grounds around the Abbey are suitable for walks and enjoying the outdoors. Guests are asked not to visit the school areas without an invitation by a monk who will accompany them. Most guests come for private retreat. If one wishes some personal guidance in his time here, he will need to inquire about the availability of a monk for spiritual direction.
Guests are invited to make a suggested free-will offering for their time at the Abbey according to their means.
If you would like to request more information about staying at St. Anselm’s or to make a reservation, please fill out the guest reservation form.