Liturgy at St. Anselm’s Abbey

What St. Benedict calls the Divine Office or the Work of God is a basic component of our monastic common life. It is composed of hymns, psalms, readings and intercessions. We also celebrate our community Mass daily. Mass, Vespers and Compline are always sung. The other offices are recited except on major feast days when they too are sung.

Liturgy Schedule

We are currently operating on our summer schedule.
Our school year schedule will resume on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Upcoming Events

Oblate Sunday:
The first Sunday of every month
Join us for Mass at 9:00 followed by an oblate conference at 10:30. Learn more.

Abbey Centennial Mass:
September 15, 2024
There will be a centennial Mass at 10 am in the Devine Theatre (hence no 9 am Mass in the abbey church on that Sunday). Everyone on the mailing list will receive an invitation. The Mass will be followed by a simple reception in the school commons (adjacent to the theatre).

Annual Thomas Verner Moore Lecture: September 28, 2024
Our annual Thomas Verner Moore Lecture will be given this year by the former Abbot Primate of the Benedictines, Abbot Gregory Polan. It will be held at the abbey, in the Devine Theatre, at 3:00 pm followed by a reception. Everyone on the mailing list who lives in D.C., Maryland or Virginia will receive a letter inviting them to this lecture.


Special Schedules

We will resume our school year schedule for morning prayer and Mass beginning on Wednesday, August 29.