What is Benedictine Life?
Here at St. Anselm’s Abbey, we try to live as faithfully as we can under St. Benedict’s Rule, even as we recognize that it is itself firmly based in the Gospel, which will always be the principal guide for any follower of Christ.

Becoming a Monk
Learn about the steps required to become a monk in more detail, and receive answers to several frequently asked questions about monastic life at St. Anselm’s Abbey.

Monastic formation is “a life-long process, where everyone needs each other to deepen their lives of faith, hope, and love and to grow to their full stature of life in Christ,” (To Prefer Nothing to Christ, 25)

Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find detailed answers to a variety of questions that you might have about vocations at St. Anselm’s Abbey.

Request Information
If you would like to request information about pursuing a vocation at St. Anselm’s, please complete this short form.